
When I say “hurling,” I bet you don't think of a traditional Irish sport that reminds me of airborne field hockey

Apr. 22, 2014 • Ryan Shrum

Get to know hurling this Saturday - during the day, not after a long night on King Street.

The Charleston Hurling Club is hosting the 2nd Annual Holy City Cup this Saturday, April 26th. The tournament will take place at Danny Jones Recreation Complex (1455 Monitor St, N. Charleston) beginning at 10 am.Teams from around the Southeast region will come to Charleston to compete.

What is hurling?

Hurling is a traditional Irish field sport and "the fastest game on grass." The game is gaining more and more popularity in the U.S. and the southeast region is no exception.

The Holy City is home to a newly established, but highly competitive Charleston Hurling Club. Two experienced players formed the team in the summer of 2011 and developed a team by sharing their passion for this fast pace, high skill sport.

Charleston Hurling Club is gaining momentum after taking home three tournament cups in the 2013 season.

The tournament is a "family friendly event" and children are welcome to participate in a Kids Hurling Coaching Session. Charleston is welcoming hurling clubs from Atlanta, Hampton Roads, Raleigh, and Greenville.

If you cannot make it out to see the sport live this weekend, check out the Charleston's Hurling Club's website and Facebook page for up to date practice and tournament schedules.

No prior experience is necessary to come out to a practice. While the club as a whole is young, its passion runs deep. The club represents folks from all walks of life and occupations. We get together as members of a team as well as friends and welcome all who care to give hurling a try or just want to learn more about the game.

Charleston Hurling Club is sponsored by Molly Darcy's Traditional Irish Pub & Grill and Darragh Doran Real Estate.

Originally posted by David Quick on The Post & Courier